Recommended Resources

I want to share with you my favorite resources — the ones I use myself and recommend to friends without hesitation. I have sorted my list by Christian Living books, Parenting books, Homeschool resources and Organization. I will continue to add resources to this page as I find them so come back often.

Please note that some of the links below are affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I earn a commission if you make a purchase.

Christian Living

Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life by Donald Whitney

The spiritual disciplines are an essential part of the Christian life. For a long time, I didn’t know the term or what they were — I didn’t know being disciplined was related to spiritual growth. It is and I have learned and grown a lot from practicing the concepts in this book. Bible reading, meditation, study, prayer, among others are vital for Christian growth. Donald Whitney does an excellent job explaining what they are and why and to what degree they need to be a part of our lives.

The Holiness of God by R.C. Sproul

I read this book in 2018 and it completely changed the way I worship! As I learned what it really means that God is holy, my view of God became higher, grander and my appreciation for the gospel grew exponentially. Salvation is more amazing to me and I have more gratitude towards my God. It is a fairly easy read and I highly recommend picking it up if you desire to grow in your walk with the Lord.

A Woman after God’s Own Heart by Elizabeth George

This was a book I read as a young adult with young children and it prompted much spiritual growth in my life. I still come back to and draw from many of the topics discussed. In this practical book, Elizabeth discusses the various aspects of a woman’s life and how God has a place in all of them. Just as King David, though sinful, was a man after God’s own heart, we too can strive to follow in his footsteps. We can be women of excellence.

Parenting Books

Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Tedd Tripp

Luke 6:45 says “…out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.” Tedd shows us how to speak to the heart of our children by providing perspectives and procedures for guiding them in the paths of life. I read this when my children were were very young, however it is appropriate for children of all ages. From this book I learned that discipline was not merely a way to correct bad behavior but rather discipline must delve into the heart. It shaped the way I raised my children. A must read for parents!

Reset for Parents: How to Keep your Kids From Backsliding by Todd Friel

“Reset for Parents aims to encourage you to stop raising well-behaved children and start raising children who love Jesus … who will then desire to be well-behaved” (page 11). Todd calls for us to interact with our children in such a way that we are consistently showing them the gospel and reminds us that their greatest need is salvation rather than simply to be compliant. Todd’s conversational, slightly sarcastic writing style makes it a fun and easy read, while at the same time challenging our thoughts and attitudes about child-raising.

The Heart of Anger by Lou Priolo

Anger. Is it ever a problem in your home? It is in mine. Children replying in anger to me, to their siblings, or worse, that monster that comes out of me when my children don’t obey the way I would like. Just like the other books I recommend take us to the heart of the issue, so does this one. The Heart of Anger addresses this problem with practical and applicable biblical wisdom.


Teaching Them Diligently Conference

My family and I have attended a Teaching Them Diligently conference for the past several years. It’s not just another homeschool conference — it’s a family discipleship conference. We love the attention given to the gospel and getting to the heart of child-raising. Their theme verse is from Dueteronomy 6:4-7 “…You shall teach them diligently to your children, and you shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” We always walk away encouraged to press on and not grow weary in our path of life.

Institutes for Excellence in Writing

The best money I have ever spent on curriculum. I spent a little more than I usually do, but it was well worth it. Teaching writing is difficult (and I’m a writer!) but their system is very understandable and buildable. I started using it when my oldest was in the 7th grade and was unable to write a cohesive paragraph. It taught him to write in a way that no other curriculum could. I continue to use it today, over 7 years later, with the rest of my children.

CTC Math

Math is a rough subject — seriously! Tears have been shed — by me and my students! We have tried and failed several curriculum before finding this one a couple years ago. It was the best find ever! Not only is it very affordable, by students who historically struggle with math are excelling! No more weekly (or daily) trips to youtube to figure out how to do a problem. They watch a lesson, do the problems, and they are graded immediately. Better for me and my kids. I pay one low monthly rate and get access to the entire site (grades K – Calculus) for all my children! I couldn’t be happier.


Living Well Spending Less Planner

I have used the LWSL Planner for the past several years. It’s the best planner I have used — and I have used a lot of them! Read my full review here.

These books changed my life!  They added more dimension to my quiet times, to my worship, and to my interaction with others.  I recommend these without hesitation to anyone I know. #spiritualgrowth #quiettimes #holiness
These books changed the way I parent.  They focus on the heart of behavior rather than the outward appearance.  I highly recommend them to parents of all age children. #discipline #parentingadvice #scriptural
We all have the curriculum and resource we like and and those we can't live without.  These are the ones that saved my life and I seriously wish I had found earlier. #homeschool #mathcurriculum #writingcurriculum

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